What happens to your pet when you're gone?
Have you taken a moment to truly reflect on what will happen to your beloved pet when you're no longer able to care for them? While our furry friends bring us a lifetime filled with unconditional love, joy, and unwavering companionship, they are often, and quite tragically, overlooked when it comes to planning for end-of-life arrangements. It’s a difficult subject to address, and understandably so, but who will step in to care for them when you’re gone? Will it be a family member? A trusted friend? Without clear answers to these critical and pressing questions, combined with a secure and well-thought-out plan in place, your cherished pet could face an uncertain and potentially distressing future. Sadly, this was the heartbreaking reality for two pups whose lives were suddenly, and through no fault of their own, upended in unimaginable ways.
Take Butters, for instance—a tiny, 4.5-pound, black-and-tan Dachshund who ended up in a high-risk shelter in Kansas at the vulnerable and old age of 12. When his owner passed away, this sweet little dog was abandoned at the shelter without even a name or any backstory to tell his tale or offer any insight into the life he had once lived. Due to his advanced age and health conditions, his chances of being adopted were heartbreakingly slim, and he was placed on the euthanasia list. Butters, however, was fortunate enough to escape this grim fate when he was rescued by our caring local humane society, and it was there that I found him. I had the incredible honor of giving this gentle soul five more beautiful, love-filled years, years that were spent surrounded by care, attention, and devotion, until he crossed the rainbow bridge on October 15, 2023. Butters wasn’t just a dog to me; he was my heart dog, my "soul dog," and his absence is something I feel the weight of every single day. Even now, his memory lives on, etched deep within my heart.
Then there’s Ruby, a sweet-faced, soft-eyed pup whose story unfolded in a way that was a little different yet undeniably just as moving. Ruby had spent 15 wonderful and full years as the loyal and loving companion of an elderly gentleman. Their bond was deep, unshakable, and truly touching; they were each other's world, finding unparalleled comfort and joy in their companionship. But their time together came to a sudden and unexpected end when the man was diagnosed with cancer and could no longer care for her. Sadly, with no plan in place to ensure Ruby's future, she was left to face an uncertain and potentially heartbreaking fate. Luckily, her devoted owner made a heartfelt plea to his veterinarian to find Ruby a good home where she could live out her golden years in the love and comfort she deserved. That’s when our paths crossed, and we welcomed Ruby into our lives with open arms and full hearts. Knowing our passion and dedication to caring for older dogs, the vet reached out to us, and we embraced Ruby as part of our family. Though Ruby came to live with us and became an inseparable part of our lives, she never had the chance to see her beloved owner again before he passed. Ruby seemed to feel his absence deeply; she would often sit on the front porch, quietly gazing out at the yard as if she were waiting for him to return. Ruby stayed with us for about 11 short months before she too crossed that rainbow bridge, and we like to imagine that her owner finally came back and took his Ruby home. Ruby was a truly sweet and gentle soul, and her memory remains forever close to our hearts, a reminder of the love she brought into our lives during her time with us.
Stories like Butters’ and Ruby’s are undeniably heartbreaking, but, sadly, they are all too common. They serve as a poignant and powerful reminder of the importance of making thoughtful and compassionate plans for the ones who love us so unconditionally and depend on us so completely. Let’s take the steps necessary to ensure that our pets are never left in uncertainty, fear, or distress when we’re no longer there to care for them. They deserve nothing less than our full consideration, our foresight, and our unwavering care.
- Choose a caregiver:
Create a pet trust:Consult with an attorney to set up a pet trust within your will, which will legally designate the caregiver and allocate funds for your pet's care.
Detail care instructions:Within the trust document, specify your pet's dietary needs, veterinary requirements, exercise routine, any special needs, and preferred living arrangements.
Consider emergency care:Plan for short-term care immediately following your death by informing a trusted neighbor or friend about your pet and their needs.
- Keep your will updated:
Regularly review and update your will and pet trust details as your circumstances change, including contact information and caregiver preferences

Legal implications:While a standard will can mention your pet, a pet trust provides stronger legal protection to ensure your pet's needs are met.
Financial provisions:Include sufficient funds in your trust to cover your pet's future expenses like food, veterinary care, and other needs.
Communication is key:Discuss your pet care plans openly with your chosen caregiver and family members to ensure everyone understands your wishes.
"Oh, noble patron of animals! Protect all defenseless animals, help them find a good family and a home where they can be happy. Miraculous Saint, help us to be like you, to feel more love for pets, just as we love our fellow human beings. I thank you, honor you, and bless you for taking the time to listen to my prayers." A Prayer to St. Francis